Tuesday, August 17, 2021


It's another year of persistent lockdowns - certainly not complaining!

Everyday I try to find something to be thankful and grateful for, whether it's a stable job, food in the fridge, heater that works to keep our hands and feet warm in this cold winter season, healthy cats, able body to go running and do workouts..

So the past 2 months, Fen and I have been kickstarting running again, which felt good. I was feeling some pain in my left sole and right heel (wear and tear), so really happy to have them gone after resting for many weeks.

Gyms are closed, so HIIT has become something I'm getting back on. Really dreading the huffs and puffs though! But the aches are SO GOOOOD. I started only able to complete 2 rounds, finally can complete 3 rounds this week. Hopefully 4 - 5 rounds will feel normal soon! I'm such a firm believer that the body works in a 'use it or lose it' logic. So I fear losing the use of my body and the pain that will limit me in my daily life.

I was stress-baking quite a bit in Jun-Jul period, mostly to clear whatever flour is left in the pantry, and now it's back to knitting, mostly because I bought so much yarn last year lol. We've just recently packed the queen room that was piling up with stuff we bought for the move (which we dont know when), disassembled the guest bed, and kept extra kitchen cutlery away (since we cant have guests over in the near future).

At a friend's suggestion, we also bought storage drawers to tidy up the wardrobe. Had left our clothes just piling on the floor for the last 3.5yrs, and now the wardrobe looks better and presentable.

We are clocking 4 years in 1.5 months time. Cant say I'm not disappointed that we still havent found a trusty friend. By trusty friend, I'm benchmarking my lifelong friends in SG. It's a very high expectation, so I guess it's normal I'm still searching. It's extremely rare if we get to meet one true friend anyway.

We changed our connect group last month, and already are thinking of going back to Nane, who's still the best connect leader for us. From her we learnt so much about love, about Jesus, about faith. She's a person I respect a lot, even though she doesnt have all the answers she's got such a good heart. We told her we were leaving because a friend was going to start a connect and needed our support. It looks now like they can handle it without us and we're keen to go back and learn more from Nane.

Fen is still waiting on God's prompt to start his own connect group. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it wont. Till then, we still want to learn and grow in God.

Indo granny passed away in June, Mum managed to get the permit to go back Indo and spend time with granny in her last days. Glad she got back safely and went through her 14-day quarantine without a hitch.

I bought more Le Creuset cooking gear during the EOFY sale, super stoked with using them because I enjoyed using them so much. Also got back on my facial regime after my chin started flaking horrifically this cold winter.

Okay, that's my boring life. I'm sure there was more to it, but I have a writer's block now.

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