Monday, October 16, 2017

Ginger & Pitch

My 2 babies are in Melbourne right now, as I type. It's Day 5 of quarantine, and I am still thinking they're right here with me at home.
The day I brought their crates down to the pet agent, have them settled in the van, my tears exploded. Waterfall cry fest. I didnt want my negative vibes to rub off on them, lest they pick it up and stress out. But my face just scrunched up and the tears wouldnt stop. It's not like I'm sending them to die, it's just separation issues. Fear of them not making the flight to the destination safely. Fear of them licking themselves bald from stress. Fear of them suffering trauma that cannot recover.
Even Fen cried. Never saw him with such sad sad watery eyes. Those sad sad eyebrows. So.. cute. Wait, what?
The quarantine facility doesnt give live updates of their current status. So I'm just... Waiting.
 I'm looking at their photos and videos constantly, and it doesnt bring solace or comfort. I want them in my arms. Pronto.
Will blog again about our reunion shortly! Gimme another week. I need to be sad right now.