Sunday, April 28, 2019

Q2 2019

It has been a hot minute since I blogged here! I do have many topics to talk about, just never got around to doing it. Perhaps it's lack of time, motivation, creativity, or just really plain lazy.

I had a fantastic birthday spent with Fen, he was such a darling. We are hooked on indoor rock climbing for a couple of months now, so he bought me climbing gear for our future climbs =) It was such a great day spent climbing with him. Weather held up so well too, as we hopped around the city~

My prayer came to pass as I also managed to get a job and started working in March. It's not the best job I can get, but for now I'm just happy to bring in some dough. It has been a rough year, and things are looking up. I know I should be counting my blessings, and sometimes it's just so easy to sink back into self-pity. Fen has been a great support system, and church friends are reaffirming that and all encouraging.

Our hiking days are going strong, and now it's bumped up to camping! Had a overnight car camping experience during the Easter holiday weekend. It wasnt like, superb, but it was nice. Nice enough for us to wanna plan for the next one. In 3 weeks. Lol.
So our camping gear were fully sponsored by Fen's colleagues, who were more than excited to encourage him to go camping. He kept refusing to go when our church friends invited us, but I managed to convince him at the last minute. Still, we were under prepared for this trip, it got really cold and felt colder because we were in the nature and not the urban jungle. I also had too much Vietnamese coffee to drink, which didnt help my tummy. On top of it all, we kept getting lost and losing sight of the camp lead while on the road. Add-on, there were 4 cars altogether (12 campers) and maybe only 3 had Telstra network. It was bad. Nonetheless, the experience and company was really good.

Fen and I got excited enough to want to get our own camping gear. So when we say camping gear, it should have basic things like these..:
  • tent
  • sleeping bags
  • mattress and air pump
  • light/lamp
  • camping chairs
  • all-wheel drive (lol)
So, we've got ourselves a really good 2-man tent, and 2 really decent sleeping bags. We've got a well-battled Fifi, and the rest will have to come from China, unfortunately. But it's all good, I cant actually foresee myself being a regular camper, but I'm happy to be doing outdoorsy stuff like hiking, climbing, camping! Nothing too cray cray~

Cats. Pitch. Since my last post, she has given me a least 8 very deep puncture wounds, and on 2 occasions have sent me to the doctor's. She's still not cool with Ash, but Ash is getting cooler and cooler with her. So I guess there is some progress..

Fen and I are thinking of going on a Daniel fast for 3 weeks to pray for a new car. Doing some research now, and will need to work out our daily meal plans. We've been thinking about a new car for a year now, and while Fifi has been doing very well the last 2 months, we're thinking of going for longer and longer day trips and with her 325Ks mileage, we are just that bit concerned about making those trips safely.

Lastly, can I just quickly talk about Endgame!!! Sigh, a mega blockbuster, and the highlight from it all is fat jokes on Thor. The scene that stood out for me was the part when Thor's mum commented that 'the future hasnt been too nice' to Thor. Life is so hard for Thor.
Sure, the entire story is bizzare, but if I break up each character and what they've gone through, o man, such losses they suffered. Sigh. I'm a sucker for good character building stories.
Having said that, I'm definitely not a fan of time travel stories. Opens up tooooooooo many cans of worms that are very difficult to wrap and account for.

So yea, nothing exceptionally interesting in our lives now, but the days are good for us. Thanks for popping by to read!

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