Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Our Earth. You, yes you, can save it.

I'm back! Did not expect to be absent for this long, really. Life caught up for a bit, and I was just immersing in it.

Let's see, what has happened since March this year?

Duh. Covid-19. I suppose it was a blessing I managed to catch up with my family in SG in Jan, and Grace and Sharon in Melbourne when they were holidaying in Feb, right before things got worse and companies started working from home.

It's now 7 months since working from home. I should be relishing every moment of it while it lasts, but am already dreading going back to the overcrowded city bustling with people, noise, chaos. After all, I did come here for the space and quiet. And I do really, really love the idea of not squishing with people on the train, not spending 3 hours commuting, not paying $180/mth for the Myki pass. It's also very environmentally friendly, not commuting! Public or private transport.

I arranged for my haircut in Aug, only to have it postponed to Sept and then postponed again until further notice when Stage 4 lockdown kicked in. This week, since the 5km restrictions are lifted and hair salons are allowed to reopen, I got a call from my hairdresser to reschedule my hair appointment. That was such a joyous moment! So excited for this Friday =)

Online shopping has been great. Other than the super delayed shipping if we ordered from USA, we pretty much get our stuff within the week.

The mask culture didnt really bother me too, I've been loving masks since travelling to Taiwan and picking up their love for masks. I'm not keen on wearing masks to gyms when they reopen though. Working out is a huff and puff business, masks seem a bit impractical that way..

Also, just celebrated Fen's birthday. It was quiet and beautiful, with a few surprise Uber Eats delivered to our place from friends! We took leave from work the next day (which is technically yesterday, lol) and took advantage of the lifted restrictions to travel further out and explore Point Cook Saltwater Coast. Figured the car needed to stretch the legs wheels, too.

A few things I picked up this season:

  • I cut Fen's hair better now. Thank you, YouTube. Got rid of his 3 year old man bun, and gave him a BTS look (so says everybody)
  • Knitting beanies. I was knitting scarves sometime in 2018, but stashed it aside until this winter, when I decided I've had enough of small beanies that look atrocious on me. On my 7th beanie now, as we speak
  • More Asian dishes. Pretty expert at glutinous rice, wantons, carrot/yam cake, fried fish soup with evaporated milk now~
  • Must have baked basque burnt cheesecake three thousand times now.
  • Running 6km once a week

Must have bought at least 5 new cat beds for the cats. Time spent with them is never enough, but I count my blessings, anyway. They're doing well, I managed to get their dental cleaning rescheduled, and we've been home so much there hasnt been too much drama between Ash and Pitch, so they've stayed safe and well. We did panic a little bit when supermarkets were imposing limits to chicken, because we bulk cook and freeze their meals. Luckily that restriction didnt last too long.

I wrote this entry today not really to recap this pandemic life, actually.
Just finished watching David Attenborough's A Life On Our Planet on Netflix. This entry might sound like my last, not intended but necessary.

A person as famous as David Attenborough had repeated over and over again about how we are destroying our natural world. Has mankind listened? Really listened and do something about it? Maybe, perhaps not enough.

I keep asking myself, what else can I do as an individual? What more can I help? Other than being educated and aware of the world around us, the products and where they come from, I need to ACT.
So should you. Please, we have to do something. Anything.

As a matter of fact, since my last post, I've already begun to reduce meat intake. Fen has been soooo supportive, agreeing to eat lesser beef himself. Our meat varieties are turkey, chicken, seafood, with the occasional duck when they're on sale (hoho~). He's big on morning fruit smoothies, which is a great plus!

Even our body wash, dishwashing liquid and hand wash are eco-friendly now. The plans for our house now are not just installing solar panels, but also perhaps keep bees and plant more native plants, and grow our own vegetables. The ideas are endless, the options are endless, we shouldnt stop trying to save Mother Earth.

I cannot stress enough. We must do something. We can make a difference. Let's not be conformists, let's do something good in this world. Please.

You can.