Monday, August 23, 2021

Lockdown perks

 I'm darn proud of myself, really.

Over the course of 2020 and this year, I've picked up new skills. Well, random skills, really. Skills nonetheless. Thought of penning them down. Achievements, you know.

  • Refreshing VBA skills. This isnt much, though. I'm happy to look at this once in a while, just coz I love Excel, heh. Did an easy template for the previous company before they made me redundant, so I felt great about it. Doing something no one could in that company.
  • Knitting. Well, this is no new news. Beanies have been a joy to start and complete. Still amazed at how a ball of strings can tangle together to form fabric, take shape, and fit on my big head beautifully. I loved that I got into this hobby. Currently still knitting a beanie, for Fen. A couple of his beanies have holes/are bitten by Ash/shrank because I threw it in the washing machine.
  • Sewing. How crazy. Never would I have thought I'd touch a sewing machine, much less make an entire dress out of it. It was pure fun. Did not enjoy the pinning and cutting, and these take up 70% of the time to make the garment. Pfft.
  • Running and cycling. Fen and I are currently trying to get in the habit of running 2x a week, or getting a 10km run. It's just little goals we give ourselves while in lockdown. I'm making the most of lockdown, because it got boring to mope around doing nothing. Not that I really moped about it though! LOL. Just really wanted to make the time matter. We have mapped out the 10km route, have done the cycling around it to confirm. It's now just waiting to make it happen!! Running is not new to us too, but we certainly have gotten quite out of touch. It's just a lotta walking these days.
    And with cycling, we both totally forgot how AWESOME it is to go long distances. We did a 34km one Sunday, and that was so liberating! We told ourselves to go further and set a destination to reach the city when lockdown lifts. Cant wait!!
  • Learning Japanese. I literally just got the textbooks last Friday. I've actually got into learning Japanese in 2019, when working as a receptionist. It was a very boring job with a lot of time on hand, and I didnt wanna become stupid, and there are free resources online. I was in and out of it until now (that's 2 years!), because I plateaued at learning Kanji, so decided to pay for this journey to officially and properly grasp the language! Really excited, because I will level up from bilingual to multilingual!!! Woohoo!! I have my last 2 years of learning Hiragana Katakana Kanji to thank for, because I'm familiar with them and can quickly move on to sentence structures and grammer now. We'll see!
  • Baking. Lol. Back in SG, I have NEVER nailed baking. Short of burning myself, my creations were always a flop. Always. And now! Baking is one of my ways to relieve stress. We bake and we give to our friends. It was great to hear feedback and perfect a recipe. As usual, I only deal with easy recipes! Burnt basque cheesecake is my top favourite, and everyone loves it =D
That should be about it. I havent been this upbeat in a while, reckon it calls for a celebration eh.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


It's another year of persistent lockdowns - certainly not complaining!

Everyday I try to find something to be thankful and grateful for, whether it's a stable job, food in the fridge, heater that works to keep our hands and feet warm in this cold winter season, healthy cats, able body to go running and do workouts..

So the past 2 months, Fen and I have been kickstarting running again, which felt good. I was feeling some pain in my left sole and right heel (wear and tear), so really happy to have them gone after resting for many weeks.

Gyms are closed, so HIIT has become something I'm getting back on. Really dreading the huffs and puffs though! But the aches are SO GOOOOD. I started only able to complete 2 rounds, finally can complete 3 rounds this week. Hopefully 4 - 5 rounds will feel normal soon! I'm such a firm believer that the body works in a 'use it or lose it' logic. So I fear losing the use of my body and the pain that will limit me in my daily life.

I was stress-baking quite a bit in Jun-Jul period, mostly to clear whatever flour is left in the pantry, and now it's back to knitting, mostly because I bought so much yarn last year lol. We've just recently packed the queen room that was piling up with stuff we bought for the move (which we dont know when), disassembled the guest bed, and kept extra kitchen cutlery away (since we cant have guests over in the near future).

At a friend's suggestion, we also bought storage drawers to tidy up the wardrobe. Had left our clothes just piling on the floor for the last 3.5yrs, and now the wardrobe looks better and presentable.

We are clocking 4 years in 1.5 months time. Cant say I'm not disappointed that we still havent found a trusty friend. By trusty friend, I'm benchmarking my lifelong friends in SG. It's a very high expectation, so I guess it's normal I'm still searching. It's extremely rare if we get to meet one true friend anyway.

We changed our connect group last month, and already are thinking of going back to Nane, who's still the best connect leader for us. From her we learnt so much about love, about Jesus, about faith. She's a person I respect a lot, even though she doesnt have all the answers she's got such a good heart. We told her we were leaving because a friend was going to start a connect and needed our support. It looks now like they can handle it without us and we're keen to go back and learn more from Nane.

Fen is still waiting on God's prompt to start his own connect group. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it wont. Till then, we still want to learn and grow in God.

Indo granny passed away in June, Mum managed to get the permit to go back Indo and spend time with granny in her last days. Glad she got back safely and went through her 14-day quarantine without a hitch.

I bought more Le Creuset cooking gear during the EOFY sale, super stoked with using them because I enjoyed using them so much. Also got back on my facial regime after my chin started flaking horrifically this cold winter.

Okay, that's my boring life. I'm sure there was more to it, but I have a writer's block now.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Winter 2021

 Hi folks~

Month end just ended, so I'm taking it easy, clearing work email queries one by one. And thought I'll share some updates.

I'm doing well in my new job, and for that I'm thankful for God's grace and favour. I do hope he graces and favours Fen more too, seeing he's been trying to look for a better paying role for 3 years now...

Found out I was pregnant in late March, and then miscarried 2 weeks ago. A missed miscarriage, growth stopped at 6 weeks, but I only finally bled at 13 weeks. The wait was annoying, because I wanted to get over it and move on as soon as we found out there was no heartbeat and growth at week 8.

Had another ultrasound and blood test this morning to make sure the womb is all cleaned out and ready for baby making again =) I feel my energy coming back after the miscarriage, and getting back to workouts slowly. Currently sore from the weekend's simple short workout at home =/

My ex boss that I respected and enjoyed working with in 2019/2020 contacted me last month, wanted me to work for him in his current company. I went for 2 interviews and nailed them, and was offered the job. Slightly better pay, commercial and practical learning opportunities, foreseeable stress and heavy workload. I accepted the offer, and turned it down after reading the contract. It didnt offer employer-funded paid parental leave (what a mouthful).

Yes, you read that right. Paid parental leave is not a given, you people from Singapore, or Canada, or wherever country that your government mandates such welfare and benefits.

So obviously, it was shocking to me. Me, who never gave a hoot about parental leave, maternity leave, childcare leave, etc. You get it. Because I never thought I'll have children. Until we started thinking we want to have one. And now those benefits are like sacredly prioritised and valued and must haves.

I felt bad for so many reasons. Being an asshole if I left my current job in less than 3 months, my ex boss who went all out to have me hired for the job. At the end of the day, we have to think of ourselves... because no one will. And being a working mum that is being valued and supported by my company somehow is a very important element for my job.

I also felt that my current company wants to support me. So I guess there isnt a push factor to leave, nor a pull factor to entice me to join my ex-boss. Was so stressed out making up my mind to stay or leave that eventful week. Pfft.

We changed church campus. From Hillsong West to Hillsong Greater West. Felt that was where we were needed, in terms of volunteering. And we made friends! Specifically a Korean couple, and it's been pretty amazing to find out commonalities and similar mindsets. It's been great so far, and praying for God to bless this friendship to last.

Victoria is back in another lockdown, 2nd week now. Doesnt bother me and Fen much, we enjoy our routine and working from home.

Sending love to you who's reading =)

Friday, February 12, 2021


So. I was made redundant last month.

O right. Happy New Year, 2021. And yes, Happy Lunar New Year, today.

Dont get too upset now, I expected my redundancy since the company merged early last year. And hence why I worked really hard to 'prove' myself valuable to the company. I think the company tried too, to create room for me. They just didnt value what I can offer, though.

So really, there was closure and relief, when I was told my position is redundant. I had a small payout too, which I used to satisfy a luxurious want (yesterday, kekeke), so I guess it isnt that bad. You'll find out soon *mysterious smile

In all honesty, after all the worry and anxiety for half of 2020, I was pretty calm by this time, more like fed up and resigned. Even was going to start looking for jobs in 2021. So.. knowing I was going to be jobless in a week, I left it all to God, my troubles and my worries. Even Fen was pretty taken aback by how calm I was. Although, yes I am very hurt by the company's decision and my new boss' promises that I was very much needed in the company *rolls eyes

In the 3 years I've been in Oz, I've had 6 jobs. In the 10 years of my Singapore career, I've had 3 jobs. Go figure. So yes, it is very disturbing for me that I cant find a workplace to settle in. Then again, I'm in a different country. So I got over it.

Before you start feeling sorry for me.

The recruitment agency that placed me in my last 2 jobs was VERY speedy to help me get back into the workforce. Within a week from my last day, I already had 2 decent job offers. Hurhurhur. Are they good or am I good, lol. But no.


I mean it. The lessons learnt these last 3 years have been hard, so I'm saying it again. A job does not define me. Hence I chose not to worry. Not to be put down. Not to be depressed. Yes, I was sad because I put in effort in my job, only to be rejected. Knowing that it was not the culture for me.

So the whole episode was timely, was planned and in God's timing.

The last 2 weeks were just me resting, catching up with a few friends, hiking, shopping spreeing, and lotsa lame funny videos laughing my heart out. T'was perfect and refreshing.

P/s: Victoria just announced a Stage 4 lockdown reintroduction from midnight tonight. Again, perfect timing and I'm just thankful for God. My heart is full and I'm at peace.

Pp/s: I got a shitty haircut last week. Lost my thick blunt cut and have an overly layered head now. Worst thing was the styling after, made me look like a 50yo aunty. My face was speechless.

Ppp/s: I'm on a roll watching Chinese dramas. Shocking, but they're mostly wuxia ones, so brought back tons of childhood memories!

Anyway, hope you guys are doing well yourselves, take care. God bless!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Our Earth. You, yes you, can save it.

I'm back! Did not expect to be absent for this long, really. Life caught up for a bit, and I was just immersing in it.

Let's see, what has happened since March this year?

Duh. Covid-19. I suppose it was a blessing I managed to catch up with my family in SG in Jan, and Grace and Sharon in Melbourne when they were holidaying in Feb, right before things got worse and companies started working from home.

It's now 7 months since working from home. I should be relishing every moment of it while it lasts, but am already dreading going back to the overcrowded city bustling with people, noise, chaos. After all, I did come here for the space and quiet. And I do really, really love the idea of not squishing with people on the train, not spending 3 hours commuting, not paying $180/mth for the Myki pass. It's also very environmentally friendly, not commuting! Public or private transport.

I arranged for my haircut in Aug, only to have it postponed to Sept and then postponed again until further notice when Stage 4 lockdown kicked in. This week, since the 5km restrictions are lifted and hair salons are allowed to reopen, I got a call from my hairdresser to reschedule my hair appointment. That was such a joyous moment! So excited for this Friday =)

Online shopping has been great. Other than the super delayed shipping if we ordered from USA, we pretty much get our stuff within the week.

The mask culture didnt really bother me too, I've been loving masks since travelling to Taiwan and picking up their love for masks. I'm not keen on wearing masks to gyms when they reopen though. Working out is a huff and puff business, masks seem a bit impractical that way..

Also, just celebrated Fen's birthday. It was quiet and beautiful, with a few surprise Uber Eats delivered to our place from friends! We took leave from work the next day (which is technically yesterday, lol) and took advantage of the lifted restrictions to travel further out and explore Point Cook Saltwater Coast. Figured the car needed to stretch the legs wheels, too.

A few things I picked up this season:

  • I cut Fen's hair better now. Thank you, YouTube. Got rid of his 3 year old man bun, and gave him a BTS look (so says everybody)
  • Knitting beanies. I was knitting scarves sometime in 2018, but stashed it aside until this winter, when I decided I've had enough of small beanies that look atrocious on me. On my 7th beanie now, as we speak
  • More Asian dishes. Pretty expert at glutinous rice, wantons, carrot/yam cake, fried fish soup with evaporated milk now~
  • Must have baked basque burnt cheesecake three thousand times now.
  • Running 6km once a week

Must have bought at least 5 new cat beds for the cats. Time spent with them is never enough, but I count my blessings, anyway. They're doing well, I managed to get their dental cleaning rescheduled, and we've been home so much there hasnt been too much drama between Ash and Pitch, so they've stayed safe and well. We did panic a little bit when supermarkets were imposing limits to chicken, because we bulk cook and freeze their meals. Luckily that restriction didnt last too long.

I wrote this entry today not really to recap this pandemic life, actually.
Just finished watching David Attenborough's A Life On Our Planet on Netflix. This entry might sound like my last, not intended but necessary.

A person as famous as David Attenborough had repeated over and over again about how we are destroying our natural world. Has mankind listened? Really listened and do something about it? Maybe, perhaps not enough.

I keep asking myself, what else can I do as an individual? What more can I help? Other than being educated and aware of the world around us, the products and where they come from, I need to ACT.
So should you. Please, we have to do something. Anything.

As a matter of fact, since my last post, I've already begun to reduce meat intake. Fen has been soooo supportive, agreeing to eat lesser beef himself. Our meat varieties are turkey, chicken, seafood, with the occasional duck when they're on sale (hoho~). He's big on morning fruit smoothies, which is a great plus!

Even our body wash, dishwashing liquid and hand wash are eco-friendly now. The plans for our house now are not just installing solar panels, but also perhaps keep bees and plant more native plants, and grow our own vegetables. The ideas are endless, the options are endless, we shouldnt stop trying to save Mother Earth.

I cannot stress enough. We must do something. We can make a difference. Let's not be conformists, let's do something good in this world. Please.

You can.